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Tax fraud
Acquitted under Article 530, paragraph 2, Code of Criminal Procedure, for not having committed the fact, legal representative of […] S.r.l. charged with the crime under Article 2, Legislative Decree No. 74/2000.
According to the indictment, the defendant – in order to evade income tax and VAT or in order to obtain undue refunds – allegedly used, in the compilation of the tax return for the year 2013, eight invoices deemed subjectively non-existent for a total amount of € 158,290.00.
The defense succeeded in demonstrating the absolute unawareness of the defendant about the inoperativeness of […] S.r.l., the issuing company, given that she took over the role of legal representative of […] S.r.l., at a later time than the commissioned transactions.
Court of Ancona in monocratic composition, Judgment No. 1513/2021 of October 13, 2021 in p.p. N. 510/2018 R.g.n.r. and N. 1254/2019 R.g.Dib.