Studio Legale Carlo Zaccagnini - Roma e Milano
  >  Conferences

The Law Firm participates
frequently at conferences and seminars

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GLAWBUS Conference

23-24 May - Rome

Speach Avv. Carlo Zaccagnini

AEA International Congress 2024 - Budapest

AEA - XVIII International Congress

30-31 May 2024 - Budapest

IFG Flagship Fraud Conference

25 April 2024 Asia Society - Hong Kong

Avv. Carlo Zaccagnini

Lecture of the Criminal Chamber

Lesson for the Penal Chamber II level of Rome | November 11, 2021

Avv. Carlo Zaccagnini

Misure Cautelari Reali - ODCEC

Order of Accountants and Accounting Experts of Rome | Marc 11, 2019

Avv. Carlo Zaccagnini

Conference at ODCEC Rome

Order of Accountants and Accounting Experts of Rome | June 3, 2013